Tuesday, 2 February 2010

It was today

In the beginning of the year 2009 or was it late 2008 ?,whatever, something new happened. Sitting idle in front of a computer which doesn’t have access to any social networking sites and other interactive mediums, I was wandering in the world wide web to get access to something readable when I stumbled upon someone’s blog, which lead me to a chain of other blogs and in a few days I was so addicted to it that the first thing after reaching the office , after checking mail-box, was to type-in the favourite urls and read the blog-posts. Soon, I started commenting on the posts and dreaming of owning one too..

It was today last year when that dream turned into reality..

Cheers to the blog.. Hoping the celebration of writing and reading and commenting and tagging and book-marking continues…..


  1. A very happy b'day to ur blog yipeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. :D happy bday to the blog :)...

  3. happy b'day blog :D

    just out of ideas 2 write about :¦

  4. :) happy birthday to the happening blog...may it see many such birthdays...

    this reminds me, birthday of my blog is also approaching.. lol

  5. @ neha, @cr,@titaxy, @be thanks a lot...:))
    @shruti thanks dear...oh yes..when's ur blog b'day..cheers to the mini-adventure we did those days;D

  6. Congratulations and celebrations :)


  7. happy birthdayyy to the bloggyyy

  8. Hey.. Very Happy Birthday (Belated) for your blog :)

  9. congrats! hope mine was one of them.
