Saturday, 19 September 2009

Pehla-pehla .....

" First time is always special."so they say..

It was some day in September, I think. I was flying high when I found that I have been tagged.Total of 6 months in the blogging world and that was the first tag I received. I have done tags earlier too but those were stolen(taken) by me on-my-own. THANK YOU AS.

Day before yesterday I got my another feel-good moment coz I received my First Blog AWARD. The whole story behind that award is that I used my assertiveness;) and innocence;)) to let Neha hand me that award.. Ummm, Thanks a lot Neha.

Since Blogger is acting up, I am unable to post th pic here:(

So there goes my tag:

The rules are thus…

RULE 1 You can only say Guilty or Innocent

RULE 2 You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks!

RULE 3 Copy and paste this into your notes , delete my answers, type in your answers and tag your friends to answer this.

Asked someone to marry you? Innocent

Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Innocent

Danced on a table in a bar? Guilty (OH, this guilty charge comes with a twist. Actually I have danced on a table in a restaurent. The story goes that we, the First Years, were given the Freshers by our Seniors in the second Semester, yes, we the poosr souls*sob-sob*.So to commemorate our freedom, the First Year girls decided to party in the only restaurent in the campus and what followed was History)

Ever told a lie? Guilty

Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have back? Guilty

Kissed a picture? Guilty

Slept in until 5 PM? Guilty

Fallen asleep at work/school? Guilty

Held a snake? Innocent (eww.. has anyone?)

Been suspended from school? Innocent

Worked at a fast food restaurant? Innocent

Stolen from a store? Innocent

Been fired from a job? Innocent

Done something you regret? Guilty

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Guilty

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Innocent

Kissed in the rain? Innocent

Sat on a roof top? Guilty

Kissed someone you shouldn’t? Innocent

Sang in the shower? Guilty. (Name ay soul who loves music/ singing and who isnt guilty of this charge)

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Innocent

Shaved your head? Innocent

Had a boxing membership? Innocent.

Made a girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Guilty

Been in a band? Innocent

Shot a gun? Innocent

Donated Blood? Innocent

Eaten alligator meat? Innocent

Eaten cheesecake? Guilty

Still love someone you shouldn’t? Guilty

Have/had a tattoo? Innocent.

Liked someone, but will never tell who? Guilty

Been too honest? Guilty ( College days were bunk-days , right. So on a fateful day, out of the many people absent, I was also the one). Those absent included my friends as well and all of us didnt go to the class kyunki mood nahi tha. So our teacher, after taking the lecture, started asking one-by-one the reason for absence. A friend's parents had arrived to visit her(!! may be thats why she was sleeping all day!!), another had fever(ohh thats why the whole hostel was bursting with music from her computer) and another had headache. When my turn came ,I said "aise hi". My stars were with me as the teacher just casually stared me and the bell rang)

Ruined a surprise? Innocent

Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you couldn’t walk afterwards? Guilty.

Erased someone in your friends list? Guilty

Dressed in a woman’s clothes (if you’re a guy) or man’s clothes (if you’re a girl)? Guilty
(This requires an explanation. Actually I am tall(by Indian standards)..So in group dance I had to be the guy as there was no girl taller than me..But after some performances, my dance maam, started taking me me in girl's role because according to her, my gestures and actions and dance are elegant and womanly :))

Joined a pageant? Innocent

Been told that you’re handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? Guilty

Had communication with your ex? Innocent

Got totally drunk on the night before exam? Innocent. (But I clearly remeber the night when I slept for 14 straight hours before the exam during my 2nd Year Engineering. Thank god, paper was not that tough and main pass ho gayi :D)

Got totally angry that you cried so hard? guilty

That was a great fun :D

ahh, yes"First time is always special"


  1. Too Good... I got 101 queries in my mind now. I guess I have to make a call and get answer for all of them :)

    At some places.. I could feel you cautious answer though :)

    RIght now.. please explain me the below here or in mail:

    Danced on a table in a bar? Guilty

    Sang in the shower? Guilty.

    Still love someone you shouldn’t? Guilty

    Liked someone, but will never tell who? Guilty

    BTW>> will do your tag this week.. Finally I'm seeing less work ths week. So I can do ti soon

  2. interesting....
    loved the 14hrs sleeping bit - every one has their own way of 'preparing' for an exam :D

  3. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Guilty

    hahaha... me too me too... happ so many times :P lolll..
    loved ur tag..awesomee...

  4. @cm-chap omg cm-chap i just did the tag and you have started interrogation:O
    i have edited the post to explain some answers..go and check.. had i answered it cautiously, there would have been more innocence than guilt because some day these may get read by my friends and near ones..:))

    @neha check the edited post

    @celestialrays ahh yes, in the exam hall, my friends were glancing at me from time-to-time if I was writing anything or not, lol..

    @dido take itnaa, would love to read your responses to the questions..:))

  5. congrats on the first tag. I'll remember to pass on many more.

  6. Sang in the shower? Guilty.

    haha.. i love doing that.. who dosent ;) lovely tag.!
    Ur so innocent :)

  7. heyaa!

    congrats on ur first award :D

    loved reading ur tag!

  8. chk my blog...2 surprises r thr for u...actually, 3...i know you will love them all :)
