Thursday, 16 July 2009

Addiction to FRIENDS

What happens when you watch marathon sessions of FRIENDS Season 1-10 for past 4 nights sleeping at ungodly 2 am .

1) You just wish the office ends up soon so that you can go back to watch the remaining episodes.

2) You start humming “Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat” when you find that the office is empty and nobody can listen you .

Season 4 finished…Today onwards, Season 5.:)

P.S: And no, Phoebes is not my favourite Friend character.


  1. :) I love Friends !

    have been thinking about getting the seasons on a DVD for a while now! looks like will get it!

  2. I love and will always, always love friends.

  3. :)
    I did that back in college days. I actually bunked all lectures one day to finish it off!

  4. i think it is worth having a personal collection of the series.

  5. I like and dislike FRIENDS. I don't always find it funny. But this show will go down to history for hooking up the max number of viewers ever !!

  6. @ komal, the tune is so addictive naa..
    @ purpleheart yes and now that i am done with all the episodes, i can live in peace now..

  7. hey..thanks for ur wishes...:))....u ve got a lovely blog..:)...i can completely relate to the friends thing...:))....congrats for completing 1 year of blogging....:))
