Saturday, 7 February 2009

Book Review: The White Tiger

It would have been a great pleasure to write any movie-review but since these days I am living in a haven devoid of these materialistic pleasures,I found solace in the once-declared-and-now-forgotten-friends i.e; books.

This year Booker Prize Winner "The White Tiger" ahs been creating waves and I felt so lucky to receive it, so what if in e-book format.;))

The book open in royal fashion, with the narrator, the white tiger, writing a letter to Chinese Premier.As the pages unfurled, you get a peep in to the real India,DARKNESS as referred by the narrator.The pages depict corruption,paucity,dishonesty,fear,filth,everything negative with a big N. But the sheer way, the writer binds the reader each night of his letter-writing is impulsive.

The reader, at times, feel disillusioned about the brightening India theory but then it also shows the determination & strength of will of Balram Halwai to be a master, the master of his destiny.

Dont know if it should have won the Booker Prize as it shows the country in not-so-good light, but then here comes the freedom of Expression which India stands for. Good novel, not bulky and easy to read small paragraphs.

As a first time novelist,great work by Aravind Adiga.The lack of flowery prose is made up by gripping thoughts and descriptions of narration. There are references to casteist politics, corruption at even school-level and everything wrong.

Makes a compelling read.You will feel hard-hitted by the description of the country in this novel but then you cant deny it, for sure.


  1. Hi dear...since you have been so thoughtful so as to allow poor blogless ppl like me to comment, i should as well grab the opportunity :)

    nice review though i am still not motivated to read the book...looks to dark...

    will wait for more such reviews....

  2. Hey...have read just 4-5 pages of midnight of children...and soon got bored..and it feels like it was boring too.. ..but reading from ur blog ,it seems i have just downloaded the pdf from net and soon going to read....:)

  3. @ashish you have not read it by now!!! this is a surprise!!! do read it, its good.

  4. Your review of White Tiger convinced me to buy the book.. I have it on my To Read list now :) Thanks

  5. This one is on my list for sometime now... will read it soon.

    Good crispy review
