Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
10 Day You Challenge: 2 songs

2 Songs
Strange how some songs holds memories. One day I was listening to some song and it reminded me of a college friend, a random song playing in the radio brought back the memories of days bygone. So the two songs are not only the favourite songs but favourite old memories also..
1) Dil dhoondta hain: An old friend introduced me to this song. I bought my first Gulzaar cassette at that time. Everytime I listen to this song, it reminds me of those lazy afternoons when me and my mother spread on the bed listened to the songs, me fast-forwarding/ rewinding the cassette so as to reach to my favourite song, getting in and out of the bed to change the side of the cassette once it has rolled completely. Those were such carefree days and everytime the song sings of the lazy afternoons of the winters and breezy nights of the summers, the heart dreams to live them.
2) Way Back into love: I had just watchd the movie, courtesy ZZ to whom I used to hand-over the list of good movies which he downloaded for me and brought to me during those days. I loved the movie and this song too. Inside one Diwali Greeting card that he had posted to me, there was a paper in which he had written the song in his specially-calligraphed writing in ink pen. I was back into love.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
10 Day You Challenge: 3 movies

3 Movies
1) 1Dil Chahta Hain: The kind of movie I would enjoy watching again and again and this statement itself speaks a lot on how much I like that movie. Superb styling, witty dialogues, fantastic acting and fabulous script. “Hum Cake khan eke liye kahi bhi pahuch jate hain..”, “ Tumke kya lagta hain main pillow mein roz baithta hoon?’ etc still can bring a smile on the face.
2) Before Sunrise/ Before Sunset: I have to trust my brother’s choice. He told me long ago that “Before Sunrise’ is a nice movie and you would love watching it. But like his every advice, I ignored and one fine day when I watched this movie (smuggled from his Hard disc), I fall in love with the movie, the actors especially Julie Delpy (such an original) , the locales. The kind brother helped again telling me that its sequel is also there. Downloaded the movie and yes, I enjoyed it as much as the earlier one. One (Two) of the favourites.
3) Amelie: The very charming Audrey Toutou stole the heart. I get ZZ to download this movie for me. Loved the movie. Have already watched it thrice.
Monday, 26 December 2011
10 Day You Challenge: four Books

1) The Time-Travellers Wife: This was such a different kind of book. Took some time to understand the story but once you do, the story engrosses you completely. While reading, I kept wondering how it would feel to have a Time-Traveller companion. It was late evening in the winters when I along with ZZ were roaming in the market when I decided to enter one store. So I stepped down from the bike and ZZ proposed to park the bike in the parking lot. And while I was wrapping the stole around my neck, I looked around and found him vanished. Yes not in the parking lot ahead nor around. And the first thought that came in to my mind at that point was oh, so this must be how Lizzee feel when her husband went away. See, the impact the book made on me.
2) The Catcer in the Rye: Well, I got to read this book in my mid-20s but then better late then never.
3) Memoirs of Geisha: I borrowed this book from the library. And I was transferred into that Japanese era of Chiyo. Later I watched the movie also but didn’t find the movie half as good as the original book.
4) Jeffrey Archer Short Stories: I was tempted to write Jhumpa Lahiri short stories but then of all her short stories, I remember only one even though I enjoyed reading all of them. I love how she plays with memories, fights with love and lonliness in her prose. But Jeffrey Archer style is more I like-straight to the point, with its own twists, the language simple yet captivating. Currently reading “Kane & abel” in ebook format and cant wait to finish it. This may well explain my bias towards the author.
Monday, 19 December 2011
10 day You Challenge: 5 foods

After such a long break, it's no sense to continue this tag but well its end-December. And like many things, I want to finish this and step into the new Year afresh, with new tags to do;) and no laments for the old incomplete ones;)
random Realization
Monday, 12 December 2011
A monday morning of December
That seats four and some more
I bowed to the man sitting ahead
And waved as another passes by the door
I went to the small cabin inside
To mark my presence for today
And back to a table that houses
A pile of folders with sticky notes
I powered on and logged-in the screen ahead
And checked the emails of previous days
And replied to some and forwarded a few
And later browsed the company’s web page.
It’s a cold Monday morning, I woke up late
And rushed my way to this place
The mood not good and the work too
Is not feeling the same today
And as I sip the office tea
I noticed the sunlight playing
on the glass surface of the table
Filtering from the large window panes
Yes it’s a cold Monday morning
And now I feel warm
For the winter sun has given
This day a blissful charm.
And now I also remember
The boss is today on leave
Oh what more can I want from Monday
Some sunshine and some peace.
Edited to add: this i wrote in the morning and by evening there was no peace but some turmoil in the mind. Hope all will be well.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
On Marriage
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow
-Kahil Gibran on Marriage
Sunday, 20 November 2011
around me
Monday, 1 August 2011
10 Day You Challenge: 6 places

This tag was supposed to be done by July end and I have just reached half-way..So without any delay lets continue the tag. Today os the turn of 6 places:
1) Milam: To see the splendid beauty I have heard of only.
2)Laddakh: What to say. If you havent seen Ladakh, well you havent seen anything. or so I think. I so want to be there.
3) Goa: I thought I wouldnt like that place, that paradise of so-called hippies, well I so didnt know myself. I loved that place. If possible every year I can go and stay there and not yet get bored.
4) Europe: Not just a place, a country but the entire continent from Turkey to Holland.
5) Thailand: Just to see the beaches there and gorge on the heavenly food and shopping and some foor massage and temple-visits..
6) Home: After all the travels, its good to be back to the home, to the loving faces of all those who matters most.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
10 day You Challenge-Seven Wants

Seven Wants:
1) Some bright coloured clothes in my wardrobe. Just noticed that my wardrobe is full of earth tomes of black, brown, green and blue.
2) A clean flawless skin. And then I promise I will take good care of that. At present, the only skin-care I do is to take 8 + hours sleep, haha. That reflects- the oily, patchy, blemished, tanned, big-pored, acne-prone skin.
3) A job at TLC for both me and ZZ. That way we can both roam, explore and see the new destinations free of cost.
4) Big half-yearly holidays intermixed with small breaks fortnightly.
5) An elegantly done house with balconies (lined with bonsai s), big lawn, a small backyard at a nice location.
6) A good active lifestyle.
7) And last but not the least, World-Peace.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
10 Day You Challenge: 8 fears

Continuing the tag, here is the list of Eight Fears. Following are my eight fears that can be tamed and win over:
1) I fear that I will never gain weight. I so want to gain weight and look different from my earlier self.
2) I fear that I can never drive in the insane city traffic.
3) I fear that I am not becoming the person I want to be. I know this, I fear this but I am not at all doing anything towards it.
4) I fear if all the dreams I have will be dreams only.
5) I fear of heights.
6) I fear that I might turn into a non-active, non-spiritual, lazy woman who don’t exercise, yoga, pray and is lazy to do her household chores and cook and clean and attend functions.
7) I fear that I will never learn swimming.
8) Lizards..
Now that I have documented the fears I have, I will come back here from time to time to check if I have overpowered them or not.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
10 Day You Challenge: 9 loves

Continuing the tag from here, today is the confession of 9 loves.
I love:
1) my sweaters knitted by my mummy . I don’t know knitting and i have made a pact with her that she is going to knit for my kids.
2) houses with balconies. I would any day take a room with balcony over a ground-floor room.
3) sense of humour of my father.
4) deep husky strong voice in men, in women also. Not the kind of Rani Mukherji voice but Angelina Jolie type voice. Strong and clear. I remember during my school days when I had got a bad cough and got my voice all hoarse, I secretly loved it and was sad when I lost my sexy voice. Ala Phoebe from Friends.
5) the idea of being in love.
6) New destinations, great vacations, good food, nice company, great movies, awesome books- i love them like everybody else.
7) sunny mornings on winter days, cool breeze on rainy days, flowers around in spring, colours of autumn and sunscreen on summer days.
8) the beautiful and cute twin kids who used to live in my building at my previous place. They were so adorable. They used to call my specs “Ai” for ‘Ainak”. Here I written one of their tales. They are the most adorable and smartest kids I have known.
9) the expression on my brother’s face when I crack my ‘deadly’ PJs and crass jokes.
Monday, 18 July 2011
10 Day You Challenge-10 Secrets

Saw this "I, Me,Myself" kinda "10 Day You Challenge" in this blog. This being my birth-month and in a hope to end the blog-draught, here I am taking up this Challenge. As per rules, it is to be done in 10 consecutive days. But well (lets make our own rules) my challenge is to complete it by Julu end.
Here are my Ten Secrets:
- I am not crazy over Harry Potter series or Twilight series. I have not read any of those books from the series and don’t follow the movies very keenly. Apart from the main characters, I hardly know the names of the other characters. The same goes for the Twilight series.
- I love to sing. Blame it on those days singing reality shows, when I was alone, I used to sing with one of my hand folded as a mike and other hand gesturing the surs of the music. In my college 1st year, my room was next to 4th year Senior Maam who was the singing champion of the college. Through the open window, my soulful;) voice must have reached her ears as on her farewell, she called me and complimented that she loves my voice and asked me to participate me in the college annual function. I famously couldn’t cleared the Auditions.
- On the eve of fourth semester examination of “Network Theory”, I famously slept from 7:00pm in the evening to 8:00am in the next morning. The room mate, friends all came in the regular intervals to wake me up but I didnt budge and wake up at my sweet own time. Then grew morose, cried a tear or two on my situation, flirted with the books and notes and went to the exam at 2:00pm. Thankfully the paper was easy and I passed. A friend told me after exam, “I was looking at you time to time. To check if you are writing anything or not. And when you get up to take another copy, I sighed a relief, even if garbage at least she is writing”:) Luckily cleared the exam and all friends checked to see my marks in that subject. When I look back I couldn’t understand why did I do that.
- I didnt know how to carry an umbrella. Monsoon time, rainy mornings, big bag on the shoulders, black polished shoes, neatly pressed dress- almost all my friends will come safe with not a drop of water in their clothes and I would have my shirt sleeves and skirt ends wet with rain.
- Shantaram, Midnight’s Children, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Catch-22- all Classics-all books I have left half-read. *hangs her head in shame*
- For past 8-9 years my weight is almost constant as is my height;), no matter how much I eat. And I am underweight as per BMI.
- I am not good with showing emotions through words. I cry when I feel bad, when I am emotional, and usually at loss of words to show my gratitude, condolence towards others, especially when it comes to talk to some elder or rude person.
- I wished I have departed on better terms from my last office.
- You know there are some people who are so level-headed at all times, who don’t panic at crisis. I admire them.
- For the past couple of years, yoga and pooja everyday is in my New Year Resolution list every year. And I have never been able to complete this one it due to sheer laziness. Mornings are a hurry and evenings are busy or so is the excuse I give myself for this inactivity.