Monday, 1 February 2010

My attempt

I saw it in neon lights burning
And read it in the print
“There is a big show coming
Bigger than one have dreamt”

It celebrates the hope and love
And defeats and sorrows too
It has all the flavours
Of birth, death and “I do”

Oppurtunity knocks never twice
So lets take this chance
It is totally upto to you
Whether you wanna sit or dance.

So pack your bags and get your ticket,
Come and lets take a ride
I am sure as the show ends
You ll wonder “What a life!”

My attempt at Carry on tuesday "Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth" inspired by Titaxy.


  1. it sure matched the theme!

    my fav lines:
    "It celebrates the hope and love
    And defeats and sorrows too
    It has all the flavours
    Of birth, death and “I do”"


  2. Loved it and the neon lites. life is full of surprises and beautiful sights.

    Old Time Cartoons

  3. Nice one... My fav lines are

    Oppurtunity knocks never twice
    So lets take this chance
    It is totally upto to you
    Whether you wanna sit or dance

  4. very well done dear :)
    loved the last stanza

  5. wow..awsome
    my fav lines
    "Oppurtunity knocks never twice
    So lets take this chance
    It is totally upto to you
    Whether you wanna sit or dance"

    keep writing :)

  6. Yes! I love your upbeat poem about life's possibilities.

  7. @titaxy thanks daa..

    @ larry, neha thanks for the encouraging words..neha, it feels nice that you liked it..afterall you really are a master in poetry:)

    @medhini welcome here..loved reading yours too

    @celestialrays, shruti thanks for your encouraging words yaa..

    @shrutzz, Neha: glad you liked:D

    @lilibeth loved yours too:)) thanks for the nice words...welcome here yaa...
